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HELLO FARTIES! I've been reflecting a lot lately about my spiritual... Journey I guess you could call it? So I wanted to talk about that in my writing post this week. I also filmed a video/sesh for my top tier all about that/leaving the Church today, but I wanted to chat about it in writing here too so I can ask you guys questions. For background I was raised Catholic, but I don't really subscribe to those beliefs anymore & only go to Catholic church with my family on Christmas (occasionally). I was active in YoungLife for a period of time in school & definitely had a relationship with God in some aspect... Even if why I got involved in those groups was more for social reasons. I'm wondering if any of you were in YL in high school? If so, do you still see or keep up with your small group from there? I'm also curious if any of you left YL/a Christian group at some point during your formative years & if you felt shameful about it? I went into more depth on all my feelings about this in the video, but really came back to the fact that even after leaving those groups I still practiced spirituality in my own ways. I'm curious if any of you had a similar experience or if you still keep up with your YL group or still practice spirituality in a Christian sense or if you've become more connected to Source rather than Jesus? I know this is random & a little deep LOL. Share if you want to below or message me! My full video will go up tomorrow! xo


Freely Being Kaila

This is such a good topic! I grew up very Christian. We were primitive baptist in the deep south in the black church. We went every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday! Too much! I dreaded going later in high school because the people were so judgmental and the preacher preached fear into us basically the whole "if you do this, this and this then you are going to hell" and I always felt like, why would God want us to be scared living life? Once I got college I pulled back from going as much because I felt like I don't need to go to church to have a connection to God and church people would judge me so hard and make me feel unwelcomed because of my tats. Then once I graduated college in 2017 I was feeling pressured to find a church home. So My roommate and I go to this watch party every sunday to watch a pastor at Elevation church and at first it was good but now, I'm not feeling connected anymore and I feel like I need to find a different outlet to feel God or Source. I feel my mom and my roommate putting pressure on me and saying I have to find a church home and read my bible all the time to be accepted into the gates of heaven and it makes me sad. I hate the labels and the pressures. But all I can do is take it day by day and find a deeper meaning to spirituality.

Hannah Wagner

I grew up in church from basically the time I was a baby, and I feel like I’ve always had a relationship with God, but I also have a spiritual side. I believe that God created the universe, and that the universe has a lot to do with our lives. In high school I joined a youth group at my church which was just like 10 of us and they are still all like my second family. We’ve never been judgmental towards each other and we all still like to have fun. It’s not one of those groups where you go out and drink and everyone’s like “OH MY GOD KAREN UR FALLING INTO THE DEVILS TRAP” 🤣 They’re just like any other one of my friends but just on a deeper level ya know? We all still keep in touch even though we all live in different states now, and I was a bridesmaid in one my friends from the group’s wedding. I did fall out of Christianity for a little while in college, and I honestly still struggle with it sometimes mainly because of other “Christians” I have met who literally think I’m satans spawn for having crystals or missing church a few times LOL. But I still feel connected to God. I feel like it’s more of a personal relationship with him and I just don’t follow how the church does things. I went to a church service one time for a church I had been going to for about a year, and the pastor started to talk about abortion and I felt a little ✨uncomfy✨ and he was like “which by the way is NOT okay and you should be ASHAMED if you are sitting in here knowing you’ve killed your own child” and I seriously never set foot back in that church because I thought that was so hateful. But you know as they say, people go to church because they need help, not because they’re perfect. So I haven’t been to church in a while but still pray, read my Bible, ask God for help, etc. So that was a LONG explanation but yeah I still use crystals, and believe in nature, and believe in love and astrology and manifestation and meditation and such. I’m even studying to be a yoga teacher which a “Christian” told me was wrong and satanic 😊 but I don’t care. It’s more of a personal thing and I try to not pay attention to modern day “Christians”. I even had to delete a few off of my social media. Moral of the story, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re living your life wrong!!! You do you and just be happy and love others.