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This week in my lil audio offering, I'm asking the age old question... What are you putting off right now? I'm really just curious! Comment it below!


Jackie Taylor

I'm going to be completely honest... I have a small business that has been going CRAZY for the holidays, and I've been completely putting off my "real" job. Like basically working 3 hours a day when I'm supposed to be working 8... but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Hailey KT

I'm currently going through a lot emotionally, my little brother just went through a traumatic accident and my broken family is trying to helping him through it which has been incredibly rough to deal with. On top of that I'm finding it incredibly difficult to find work that I'd enjoy and find rewarding, keep getting turned down for social work positions. But those two things are all I've been focusing on, so my home life has really deteriorated. I've been putting off cooking fresh meals, cleaning my spaces, hobbies like sewing and writing, planning and preparing for the coming weeks. So today I'm getting to that. Started off by getting dressed up cute, currently cutting local apples to start cider, figuring out how to add some persimmons in there or what to do with them. Going to make a grocery list and plan out my meal ideas. -Thanks for initiating this little reflection post 💛