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On fall mornings like today

Swaddled in layers for warmth

Clutching my steaming coffee in my frigid hands

Sitting next to the space heater on high

I contemplate the beauty in the mundane

The tiny moments that make up each day

Meaningless standing alone but all making up the whole

What is the point of anything if not to add to the greater picture that is our life?

Riddled thoughts

Muttered complaints

Lurking feelings all wrapped up into one heart-beating being

Bones dressed for each occasion

Tangled hair pulled back to take on the day

How beautiful it is to be all of this and nothing at all

Billions existing each day with their own plan

Own worries

Own habits

Own families

Desires for something more

Who am I to make something bigger of it all?

Existence in itself is mundane

Picking apart the routine to get to the gore

The constant search for something more

For are we truly alive or just existing?

I'd choose either or



so beautiful! *insert "he has such a way with words" sandy cheeks meme*

Ashley Boss

I’ll take either one too.