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Hello friends! For my writing post this week, I honestly just wanted to ask a question! What is your fall staple? It could be an activity, a food, a show or movie... WHATEVER! Comment it below! Tomorrow is the first day of fall & I can’t flippin WAIT! My fall staple is making homemade hard apple cider with Finley & waiting to get friggin crunk off of it! We have some blackberry mead brewing right now as well which we have yet to try, but will when we get home from Montana. Our hard apple cider will probably be ready within the next 2 weeks! I will keep you posted on how it turns out or maybe I’ll film some fun drunk content on here with it! Lol. Anyways! Happy fall! I love you!


Hannah Wagner

Cozy hoodies, pumpkin candles, and baking something I call “pumpkin fluffies” which are cookies that have the consistency of cake!! So yummy 😋

Abigail Cawthorn

my freakin' beanie hats, i pulled them out of their box last week and it made my day! Now I can push off washing my hair as long as I please lmao