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I wanted to check in with you guys on here & just let you know that I think we’re gonna be ok. Our town is not completely out of danger yet, but if the wind continues to work in our favor & we get rain tomorrow or Tuesday, conditions will improve significantly. There are many reasons why I feel a lot more ease than I did 2 days ago, but I really have to attribute my optimism to the work of my neighbors back home protecting our land & the beautiful space we are able to stay in right now. Both are providing us a huge amount of comfort. A patron & now a dear friend of mine, Summer, messaged me on here while we were trying to find a place to relocate to that could house the pigs. She offered her home to us, has a backyard for the pigs, & is just making us feel so at home. I’m honestly honored to be here & am feeling really at ease for the first time all week. It is the generosity & the positive thoughts & prayers of all of you that have kept our spirits high during this uncertain time for us. I am just feeling so grateful & wanted to share. Please hold your loved ones close today, maybe go sit in your favorite spot in your home, & say a little prayer for the continued safety of all beings affected by these west coast wildfires. I love you!



Ala Pona

So glad you're all safe and have found some form of peace, sending virtual hugs! ❤️


Thank you Summer,for keeping Meg and Fin and all the little ones safe,you are a Goddess ;)