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Hello! For this week’s writing post, I wanted to take on a challenge & give it to you guys as well! This week’s challenge is to write about what productivity means to you. This doesn’t have to be a glorifying piece or have any specific tone or rhythm... Just write about however you feel about the word “productivity” & comment it on this post or message it to me on here. My challenge submission can be read below!

Productivity is not foreign to me. It drives most of my days. I actually got excited this morning in my half-drowsy slumbered state to wake up just so I could be productive. It brings me great joy to know that I woke up & accomplished what I wanted to before the days end & it brings me even more joy when I accomplish what I NEEDED to do. There’s quite a big difference between the two. For example, today I want to make a frittata, blackberry cobbler, & start a loaf of seitan. Do I NEED to do those things? No. I also think it’s important to note that there is not actually many pressing things about my job or my life that NEED to be done. I make my own schedule. If I have to fulfill a due date for a video or have a scheduled call, sure I NEED to do those things. I also need to feed my animals & make sure my crops don’t go to shit so my work won’t be wasted on the garden. I think productivity for me has turned into more of an excitement factor in my life recently rather than something that stresses me out. Right when quarantine started, I felt quite the opposite. I felt like productivity dictated my life & my days & it caused me more pain than joy even when I accomplished what I was aiming to. It was such a driving factor in my weeks, but not in a good way & I had to cut my work load down just to stop from stressing myself out on everything I thought I “needed” to do. Productivity is a loose term for me now & really just adapts with my days. If it’s not pressing, it requires no stress from me. Even if it is pressing, it also requires no stress from me. That’s probably my biggest lesson of 2020.



Productivity to me means doing my best right now. Getting out of bed, telling people I love them, and feeding myself. Also, doing my best to take all medications and vitamins and drinking water (those are the ones that nag each day and make me feel behind). I'm moving across the country and uprooting my whole life and honestly seeing my list like this is all I can handle


up until may when i finally graduated college, productivity meant completing my reading assignments for class, writing papers, preparing presentations, and doing everything possible to get that 4.0 GPA (or as close to it as possible). when the world shut down and we were sent home with no real closure at the end of my final semester, i began to lose all sense of what productivity meant to me. all of a sudden, there were no more assignments to check off my to do list or to subconsciously judge my self worth against. now, i'm trying to fill that need for productivity by setting little goals for myself like cleaning my parents' house or going on a walk around my neighborhood. i'm learning to embrace this new routine, but productivity is something that i'm still trying to define for myself in this super weird time!!