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Hi peeps! For this week's writing post I just wanted to chat about how I really haven't been doing any creative writing in the past few months & I don't even know why! Anything I've posted on here recently that was poetry or short story based was written in April or earlier. I was talking to Finley the other day about possibly doing writing challenges once or a few times a week to encourage each other to step out of our writing comfort zones & get re-inspired & re-immersed in the rhythm again. If we follow through with that, I'd love to share those challenges with you all on here as well. It would be simple stuff like "write about love" or "write & develop a female protagonist character" just to see how each of our minds would work it out & then we could share them with one another! Let me know if you'd be interested in doing that with us in the comments below. Wishing you well this week & every week! xo



Yess! And yes for discord channel!

Anna Gross

I would love to do this!! I haven’t been writing lately either and I am finally in the place where I have the free time to do it