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HELLO STINKERS! Happy Monday! For my writing post today I just wanted to do a lil ~reflection~ because it's been about a week since I started my scrolling break on IG & deleted Twitter & OH BOY! I got so much done! Every single day since Fin went out of town on the 16th I've either filmed, edited, or recorded! That's crazy! I never work my booty off that much! Lol. It was definitely easier to get myself to work when I'm really just home alone & only hung with friends 2 days out of the 12 he was gone! He gets back tonight & I'm SO EXCITED IT'S UNREAL! I'm about to start making dinner for us so he can come home to some warm food & a SMOOCH! I cleaned the whole house yesterday for a "deep clean with me" vid that will go up this week & I'm probably gonna continue to be off social media unless I'm sharing work stuff for the rest of this week. It's just been really nice to be using my time to the fullest! ANYWAYS! I hope you all had a nice Monday & if you didn't, I hope tomorrow is better :') Love y'all!



we love a hardworking honey bee!! also, thoughts on folklore please?? 🌻

Kate Prindiville

Did you get lonely when Fin was out of town for so long? (Or when you lived on your own for that matter)I’m moving out of my mom’s house soon and I’m worried that living alone I’ll be super lonely 😕😕

Meghan Hughes

honestly not very much! i definitely missed him but i wasn’t feeling lonely! i kept myself pretty busy & it was nice to see some friends for 2 of the days! when i lived on my own, i didn’t feel lonely very often because i had so many friend close-by, but when my sister moved out of LA, i felt lonely cuz i went over there at least once a week... it kind of depends! i think i only feel lonely when i know someone isn’t coming back