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Hello! For my writing post this week I just wanted to say that I'm currently doing a "scrolling break" where I am not using Twitter or IG to scroll mindlessly! WOO! Highly recommend as it's only day 1 & I've already finished a book & tidied the house & it's only 1 PM! I really just use scrolling social media as an excuse to not get things done & I'm sure a lot of you can relate. Since Finley has been out of town, I've noticed I've naturally been spending more time on my phone, so I decided late last night that I'd delete Twitter & only use IG to share work-related or book club-related posts. Trying to keep myself from watching stories or just scrolling my feed mainly. It's like taking a tolerance break but from social media! Lol. Anyways, I just wanted to say this on here in case you start to wonder why I'm not as present online in the coming days... I just won't be sharing unless it's about work or book club until further notice! WOO! Recording tons more content for you guys this week. See you soon! xo



Happy to hear your taking some quality time to yourself Meg! Social media can be so heavy, i think we could all benefit from lessening our times spent on these platforms and instead spend more time cooking, creating, spending time in nature, etc. just doing stuff that brings happiness and PEACE! Thanks for sharing girly, i needed this reminder for myself this week! 😊✌🏼💓