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Love feels to me

Like cliff jumping into sea

Only to dive into an ocean so deep & complete

Holding someone's hand

As you sink into safety

And look around at the beauty in disbelief

With you, I breathe underwater with ease

I don't have to hold my breath or come up just to set it free

Together we are intertwined exploring worlds unseen

I'm blessed to spend this life submerged in the sea of you & me

I wrote that poem as an intro for my partner's love song that he wrote about me titled "Wonder Woman" by Huck Fin. He sang it for me again this morning & it had been months since I'd heard it. In that moment, I was reflecting on what our relationship means to me & really just sitting in gratitude for everything that led us where we ended up. I wrote this poem because looking for love & struggling to find it in past years really did feel like I was holding my breath underwater. That metaphor of holding my breath kind of pertains to me holding out hope for love in a way. Back before falling for Finley, I felt like I kept finding *occasional* moments of "peace under the sea" where I could breathe freely. In real life, I was spending time with men who only gave me that peace in doses & never consistently. I was constantly strung along, misled, or ghosted entirely from their lives. It wasn't until I started seeing Fin that I really understood how love isn't supposed to make you feel that way, so that's why I wrote this poem. I wanted to convey how a healthy relationship can make you feel like you're exploring a whole new world of uncharted territory like when you explore the ocean floor. I think the idea of being submerged in love is so similar to submersion in a pool of water or even in a tub when the water fills up your ears & you can't hear anything except how peaceful it is to be where you are right at that moment. I wanted to share this today to remind all of you that love arrives when it wants to not when you want it to. I wish 2016 me knew that, but am also grateful that I was so pleasantly surprised when it arrived. I love you all! xo


Hailey Wentz

Beautifully worded ✨

Athina Gorre

it's an eclectic array of forthcomings and bygones shared between two fickle yet passionate souls, love is