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Hello my patreon peanuts! I was just sitting here today reflecting on who we lift up in our lives. For myself personally, I often lift up musical artists who I blindly believe are good people. I hope they are because they say they are, but I don't know them in real life. How am I supposed to be sure? Instinct? I was holding off on posting about this publicly on IG/Twitter because I was truly hoping he would address it (he hasn't), but one of my favorite artists Nahko Bear was accused last week of being a sexual abuser. If you don't know of Nahko, this is a man who paints himself as a very spiritual person who speaks on incredibly important topics. I've played his music countless times in podcasts to help deliver messages. His music meant so much to my entire family & my sister Lindsey brought the allegations to my attention. I looked into it & was horrified to find out that people have been speaking out against him as early as 2015. If you want to read the allegations for yourself, go to his facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/nahkoandmedicineforthepeople & read the comments on the pinned video. His ONLY posting since these allegations have resurfaced is him saying his IG Live concerts are "taking a Sabbatical." No acknowledgement. No apology. I truly think he believes it will go away. It will not. We will remember. I am hurt to think that I was sold a lie of a person for so many years. Just a few minutes ago, Lindsey & I were texting about yet ANOTHER artist who also was outed last week. I am just sitting here thinking "Is it really THAT hard to not fuck your fans?" Countless male artists are called out constantly for manipulating & abusing fans into sleeping with them or being romantic with them & I just am horrified. Nahko specifically is being called out for preying on UNDERAGE fans. Girls who idolize him. Girls who would be flattered he was interested in them because they truly look up to him. I just couldn't think to write about anything other than this today. I am reflecting on the people I lift up, who I share the music of, what I say when I do so & how I need to remember that I do not know these people. I know nothing of their character unless they are my friends. I am not blaming myself for not knowing, just reflecting on how to move forward with the people I support. I encourage you guys to do the same. I love you!



agree with everything you said here! saw allegations about bassnectar too and i honestly felt betrayed by both of them if that makes any sense.... just another reminder that rape culture is alive and well, even when it comes in “enlightened” packages

Marie-Michèle Wayland

Very well worded post!! You put words on what I've been trying to say to explain how I feel when an artist I like and look up to turns out to be very disappointing and scary! We look up to them and let them into our lives in a way so when these things are uncovered it just feels so wrong. I used to explain this to my ex and he would not understand at all and make me feel like i overreacted, so thank youuuuu cause this is exactly it. Sending you love and thinking about all his victims <3