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Full "The Problem with Wokeness" talk: https://youtu.be/Sni7ghqHBJw

Maryam Hasnaa's course on "Waking Up From Being Woke": https://www.maryamhasnaa.com/store/p214/Waking_Up_From_Being_Woke_Set.html

Tracklist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/20mbJsXuyvDZu7oTfoiEFT?si=6_RNDPSZQ06itpl3ExsOOA




haven’t listened yet but from the title i’m looking forward to hearing your understanding of it. i meet so many people who stumble across spirituality or adjust their morality and a lot of these same people have a superiority complex about being “woke” or “on a different wave” or “morally superior” which is generally not conducive to genuine love and compassion for others regardless of their path. not sure if this is actually what you address but hey i’ll put my two cents out there anyway


wow thank you thank you thank you for talking about the spread of disinformation on social media and how it’s supporting a herd mentality of poorly researched (sometimes downright fake) information