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Hi guys! Today, I wanted to chat about the importance of not forgetting yourself right now while constantly taking in the news. This can also serve as a reminder for when you get caught up in a large work load, family matters, depression etc. For myself, I have been neglecting the activities that bring me peace & joy to read more news in the mornings in fear I'll miss something. I realized today, I have been forgetting about my morning reading time being PHONE FREE & I've just been scrolling in place of it. Without that daily practice, my brain feels overwhelmed with so much going on & while it is SO important to stay educated right now, it's just as important to take time away from reading the news. I wanted to just write this up to encourage you to do ONE THING for yourself today. Personally, I really wanted to make a ton of herbal remedies & reorganize my medicine cabinet. I still got to read in the morning & stay up to date on what's going on in the world right now, but at the very least, I took a few hours to myself. I love you guys & would love if this post encouraged you to do the same :')


Sara Doyon

I had been redoing my kitchen when this whole quarentine started and I hadn't baked anything in so long and even after it was finished it took me a week to even want to bake at all. Finally fixing that feeling and it makes me feel so good

Zoe Wynne

Needed this today. Thank you <3