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My heart is with the family & friends of Corey La Barrie today after finding out the news of him passing away last night in a drunk driving accident. He was in the car with Daniel Silvas who drove drunk & took Corey's life on his BIRTHDAY. I never knew Corey personally while living in LA, but I watched him on Kian & JC's series "The Reality House" & am really sad about this news. I wanted to have my writing post today be a lil PSA about the repercussions of drunk driving. After making a decision that probably took a second to decide, the impact of Daniel's actions will last for a lifetime with Corey's family & friends. He will likely face jail time & the guilt of this accident for the rest of his life because he didn't want to just call an uber. I'm not going to make this post entirely dedicated to placing the blame on Daniel, though. People do this all over the globe & drunk driving takes lives every single day. I just really urge you guys to not drink & drive or get into the car with anyone who is. The fact that it's "normalized" to do this is appalling. I'm just feeling the weight of this today & my heart is with anyone who has lost friends or family to drunk driving. May we all be mindful, safe, & educated when getting into any vehicle on any given day. I love you guys & hope you're doing well.


Alicia Schreiner

rest in peace Corey and yes DONT DRIVE DRUNK

Katie Ely

rest in peace corey💛😣