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Today I'm curious about what calms you? Yesterday, I was so anxious for a few hours that I had to take matters into my own hands! I did a quick 5 minute meditation, gathered my thoughts, & took myself on a walk. Nature calmed me so much. I just watched the water flowing in the creek, closed my eyes, did some deep breathing, & counted clovers when I opened my eyes. I spent time searching the forest floor rather than searching through my racing thoughts. When I returned home, I was so much more at ease & ready to take on the rest of the day. I'm curious what calms you guys when you deal with anxiety or racing thoughts? If you feel comfortable sharing, comment below! Hope you're all having a lovely day! xo


Terriana G.

When I need to calm down I make sure that I am alone. I go in my room, light a candle, put on my fave song and smoke, meditate, then masterbate- I either fall asleep right after or literally feel like a brand new person after half an hour of just being alone. It took a long time for me to appreciate spending time alone in peace, but im here!


Reading y/a, watching something funny or wholesome, cooking comfort food, cleaning, putting on good music... also I’m on the hunt for good cbd