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HELLO! A little writing blurb for you guys today! I have been thinking over the past 2 days about how my birthday party is this Saturday & I’ve been so excited/talking about it for WEEKS! We were gonna play GAMES! Do relay races! Drink! Run around! But I am definitely going to cancel because of quarantine/social distancing. It’s just too much of a risk right now to have a big gathering of friends & even if I make it a smaller group, I’d still be putting people at a risk. I’m SO bummed because my sister was going to come into town for it & now she’s staying home. My actual birthday is March 24th & Fin & I always go to a fancy dinner, but now I don’t think we’ll be able to do that either! I’m self-aware enough to know that it’s lame to just come on here & complain because a virus that’s killing people is making my birthday plans be cancelled, but I AM SAD MAN! I am going to let myself be sad today. Maybe Fin & I will just treat ourselves to an at home picnic instead. Maybe I’ll just postpone it to whenever this all isn’t as bad. Blarg. Life! Quarantine! Corona! BLARG! Anyways! Uploading a new vid for my $5 tier tonight. Looking forward to it!


Katie Ely

post pone it! it’ll just be a belated birthday bash! it sounds super fun and I know your pals and sister would still want to come, even if it’s later :) but that is a bummer

Ali Reed

Just because there is something bad happening in the world doesn’t mean that you can’t be sad that your plans are ruined!