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Hello! Coming to you with a writing post a day late because my dumbass FORGOT to post this yesterday! *FACEPALM* But hi! I wanted to write a little life update quickly just because I'm feeling very good this week & that is noteworthy. The sunshine in Oregon is definitely bringing me back to life & now that the sun doesn't set at 5 PM anymore, I am also feeling much more chipper! There is currently a GIGANTIC bird on my porch that I can see through the window from where I'm typing this & he just stole a large piece of bread from my compost pile. Cute! I'm also so excited to garden again & am planning on planting my onions, peas, & spinach today so we'll have some things to harvest in a few months. Spring is rapidly approaching this year compared to last year! It was cold until early April here last year, so this is both nice & horrible because climate change! But also... sunshine? How to feel? I don't know! What else? Oh! Finley chopped his hair off yesterday & I'm still getting used to his new look, but he looks SO HANDSOME! We spent yesterday in Portland looking at books in Powell's & eating yummy food after he was done at his appointment. It was so lovely! I often get overwhelmed in the city, but I recently watched "Becoming Nobody" which is a documentary about Ram Dass. My mom recommended it & in it, Dass spoke about how the feeling of getting "brought down" by overwhelming environments is all in the head. He said "the city is just... citying" & I found that so comical because it's very true! Cities have always been hustling & bustling environments. Now that I don't live in one anymore & just visit every so often, I naturally am not used to the environment & get overwhelmed, but it's a new practice of mine to go back to his comment & remember it while I walk around them. It's very easy to get upset or feel anxious when you're stimulated by things you feel like you can't control. For example, yesterday I was eating at Brunch Box in PDX & a man outside the window fully got his dick out & starting peeing on the sidewalk while I was mid-bite. I had to laugh out loud. I was like "WOW! I didn't PLAN on seeing a stranger's dick today, but... WHEN IN PORTLAND!" Lol. The me a year ago would've gotten visibly upset, convinced myself we should leave the city immediately, & driven home. That may sound extreme, but it's true. Anyways! I'm blabbering (with my fingers) now, so I'm gonna wrap this up. Just wanted to reflect on new lessons I've learned & how life has been! It's been nice. I hope the same for all of you! P.S. I have a new video up on my main channel! GO WATCH! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wx_YK0bjNY&t=1s


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