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Hello! Today I'm chatting about Super Tuesday results & how they bummed me out & I'm curious what you guys think/how you're feeling about the upcoming US election. Comment (kindly) below! :-)



I’m hoping Bernie comes through with a win from California and it’s pretty much over from there! 🤞🏼


Well I’m behind. Lol! He did win! Okay, okay I’m feeling good about this.

Jessie Arias

I too am feeling let down by Super Tuesday. My ideal pick would be Elizabeth Warren, but at this point in the race I'm really wishing she would drop out to endorse Bernie. With the margins she is losing to the two of them by, a vote for her may as well be a vote for Biden as it lets him remain in the lead as the others who have dropped out have endorsed Biden over Sanders. Thankfully Bernie isn't as far as corporate media wants us to think so there is still hope! Any fellow Warren stans I would advise to cast their vote to one of the two front runners instead. I personally don't think that Biden has nearly as good of a chance of winning over trump, and am happy that my fellow Colorado folks agreed! With the amount of states left to vote, we can still encourage those who reside in later voting states to make it out to the polls. I'm still feeling very hopeful that Bernie can catch up!!