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What are you putting off that could be done easily in a days work? Feel free to comment it below! For myself, this was my garden work. Today, I was motivated to do it because Fin was clearing blackberries around the whole property & suggested I get to weeding while he did that. I'm SO glad I did! I weeded 4 beds in a day & feel so properly exhausted after the work I got done. I was listening to "Good News" by Mac Miller during one point of the process & he said "there ain't a better time than today" & I just got to thinking about all the excuses I could've made instead of doing the work. I'm curious what makes my mind revert to avoidance for most "hard tasks", but I know it's the procrastinator in me! Anyways! Kind of a random blurb for my Monday writing post today, but I'm wondering what you guys are currently putting off in life if you care to share <3 We all do it! No shame! Lol.



I read this post the other day and meant to comment but I’ve been putting off a midterm essay that’s due next week and this post really gave me the motivation to start! I only worked on some of it but I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and I feel tremendously less stress. This post was really great timing. Thanks, Meg :)

Kaitlyn Cantavespre

definitely putting off cleaning the clutter up in my room... it's midterm season for us college folks and I have been in a SLUMP. i know that once i get it done, i will feel so much better. thanks for the motivation meghan :)