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Hi guys! Idk why I called you tooters! That's what I call my dogs! I hope that you enjoy this new format of scheduled writing offerings because I'm VERY excited for what's to come every Monday now! My podcast will also be posted on here this week which I can't wait to start up again! I wanted to start this tier off by just doing a bit of a January reflection as my first post because I feel like it is what is needed most!

In January, I was away from my home until the 27th & although it was an amazing road trip, I was SO homesick! I probably said to Finley like 18 times while we were gone "I miss home so much!" It was honestly harder than I thought to be away from the pigs for so long. Our neighbor Steve was taking care of them & he did such a great job & sent us lots of updates, but I still just wanted to cuddle those freakin' fat ladies! I also just craved the stability of my routine & missed my friends. It was tough because I felt like everyone was starting off their 2020 making "big plans" & scheduling everything out for themselves & getting after their routines, but I was just worried about where we were gonna sleep that night. I didn't bring any of my planner materials on my travels, so I just wrote my resolutions/2020 goals in my phone. I feel like my "New Year" started in February in an odd way. January was dedicated to exploring rather than planning, though, & for that, I'm grateful. I'm grateful that I was almost forcefully pulled out of my routine so that I could live in each moment fully. I wanted to be immersed in each landscape we visited & each interaction I had. I know I succeeded at that. I'm glad I documented bits & snippits of our travels for the road trip vids on my vlog channel, but I'm also glad I wasn't trying to film a BUNCH of footage every day. After vlogmas, it always takes me a second to even WANT to vlog again because of how much documentation I do throughout December, so having Dec. 26-Jan. 3 off from vlogging was really nice for me. Fin & I celebrated our 3 year anniversary, he turned 24, we spent a lot of time with his family & friends in Virginia, & it was just so peaceful. Every day, I'm grateful for my platform, but when I'm away from it, I'm grateful for that too. A little bit of duality & gratitude for ya on this Monday afternoon! I hope wherever you're reading this that you are happy, safe, & well. Till next time! -Meg


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