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Hello my patreon peeps!

I wanted to apologize for the delay in posting on here. I've been spending a lot of time with Fin's family here in Virginia. We delayed our road trip for a bit to spend more time here actually, but are hopefully beginning our journey up to the north east US & southern Canada on Jan. 4th. Today is the first day of 2020, though & I just wanted to wish you guys a very happy new decade! It's so wild to say that. 10 years ago I was most definitely not doing YouTube, Patreon certainly did not exist, & I was just a 12 year old peanut obsessing over Ke$ha & Nicki Minaj! Lol. I feel like this past decade was a really wild ride of growth for me & I'm so grateful I got to share 7/10 years with some of you who have been watching me since the start! Thank you for all of your continued support & well-wishes for myself & my loved ones throughout these years. I'm gonna write some manifestations for this NEXT decade down below & maybe in 2030 I'll find this post again & be able to reflect.

1- I hope to get married & have some cutie kids!

2- I hope to FINALLY write a book or BOOKS if I'm lucky!

3- I hope to continue my videos & podcast for as long as you all listen & watch!

4- I hope for health, wealth, success & happiness for myself, my family & friends.

5- I hope to buy property to build a home on.

6- I hope to start a company with Finley this year where we can sell our handmade goods online. (We started a bit in 2019 with our sustainable swings, but need to set up a full site & not just sell on IG! Lol.)

7- I hope to get some chickens & goats.

8- I hope to get some big outdoor farm dogs.

9- I hope to continue to make meaningful connections in my town & state (wherever we end up!)

10- I hope to be as happy as I am at this very moment. With my love, my life, my job, my family, & my state of being.

All is well over here & I wish only the same for all of you.


Hailey KT

I can not wait to settle down more and rent long term (or hopefully buy) a house soon so I can purchase one of your indoor swings! I've had my eyes on getting one for a while but I'm not in the situation to install one. Love these goals though!


What do you want your book(s) to be about? I already know I’d want to read!

Meghan Hughes

i want to write a sustainable cookbook/lifestyle recipes REALLY bad! also children's books when i have kids & maybe release some poetry but idk