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In this episode, I had an honest & vulnerable chat about how I realized I suffer from seasonal depression, how I feel when my partner is struggling with a spell of depression, the feelings of isolation or loneliness, & what to do to stay feeling stable when you're sad. ENJOY! Tracklist: open.spotify.com/playlist/1j01jTs…bDRWy9aeKGy102WQ



Hailey KT

Another great podcast! The vulnerability in this is lovely, thank you so much for sharing. I felt such an intense flush of heat run through my body as you started to cry, like you said being empathetic can be crippling sometimes, but also such a vivid reminder of our connections and the fact that we're present and can experience so much. There's so many points within this one that I would have loved to add something, or just parts that I resonate with. I feel like I could create a response podcast to this one because it's so relevant to my life and experiences! I'd like to at least share one part with you: I've suffered from PTSD since I was 6, and one of my symptoms was frequent suicidal ideation, nearly every day, many times a day, I would play out scenarios of how I could die and would feel relief from these "daydreams". I started pursuing therapy when I was 22 and received great support and encouragement from my new partner I started dating at this time. I was a complete and utter wreck when we started dating, it was the darkest and lowest point of my life while I worked on confront such things that had me develop such a coping mechanism of dreaming of my death while going about my "normal" day. At 23 I was diagnosed with PTSD, and just recently my ideations have ceased almost completely, and my partner has been with me throughout this entire journey. There's a song that encompasses my feelings for him completely and every time I hear it it makes my heart flutter because I truly never thought I would make it this far, never thought I could trust anyone to help me or care about me as much as he has, and here I am at 25 and here we are almost three years into our relationship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvW2a7mcVG0 I'd like to share this song with you, Sylvan Esso: Die Young | Echo Mountain Sessions, as kind of a response from the other side, the side that has felt so intensely dark that we didn't want anyone to see us; but have gotten the chance to hold the hands of someone who has lifted us up and we found the light again. Thank you.

Meghan Hughes

WOW. Thank u so much for sharing this Hailey <3 I'm so happy u found therapy & a supportive partner! I'm listening to the song as I type this & it's LOVELY!