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Hello legends! My mom gets into town today to mark that I'm officially 38 weeks pregnant! I'm very excited! I had a midwife appointment this morning & baby is sounding great, measuring well & moving around lots in there still. The bedroom is completely ready for her arrival minus me wanting my mom to paint the antique bassinet she gave us. It's been in my family for like 100 years & we tested it for lead paint & it came back negative thank GOURD, but it's an off white/cream color & I just don't love it & want it to be sage green (like everything in my life). I can't paint it myself, though cuz of the fumes, so that may be a task for my mommy!

Honestly, I already made a little list for her! I also want her to help me peel & stick tile the bathroom so we can cover the fugly weird rust stain on the linoleum just so I can temporarily feel good in there until we gut/renovate that primary bathroom probably next year. I also want to make cake pops out of the top tier of our wedding cake & freeze them to enjoy with our midwives after my birth, but I could honestly do that on my delivery day to distract myself.

Speaking of distraction techniques, I've been getting more into listening to hypnobirthing meditations & trying to focus my mind elsewhere. Today, I'm going to write down some of those hynobirthing affirmations on sticky notes & paste them all around our bedroom (my birth room) so I can have the reminders. Life is good brothers! It's in the 70's, absolutely gorgina out & I am happy to have crossed so many nesting tasks off our list in the past week or two! Finley & I have been ~slaying~ & prepping so much! Can't believe we'll meet our baby so soon! Love you guys <3 I'll put up a new vid on here this week showing my home birth kit. Xoxo Gossip Girl



Queen I saw your insta post!! LOVING the mushroom shelf but worried about the jars on the bottom- I’m not sure you’re going to want to be bending down each time you need to grab one? at least for the next few months 💗💗

Meghan Hughes

that's really just my bulk apothecary! my mom made me ready-made postpartum products that i'm gonna keep easier access :)


Can’t believe it’s almost time!!! So so happy for you guys, I wish you all the best with everything. I know you will slay!