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HELLO LEGENDS! Happy 37 weeks of pregnancy to meeee! We had a home visit from our midwives on Friday & they delivered my birth tub as well as went over all the early labor signs & what to do if the baby comes fast (rare for first time babies) & they're not here yet. Finley got the whole delivery 411 & we discussed when is best to call them to come over, etc. They prescribed me 10 minutes of massage from Finley daily (slay) & to take it friggin' easy! My feet are feeling really uncomfortable & a bit swollen, so I can't be on them for long hours anyway. I'm just in my bed rest era! Lol not actually, but they did say to seriously stop stressing about things & just rest.

I've been trying to get so many different things done over the past week or so that I am driving myself (& Finley I’m sure) a bit crazy. We have everything we need for her! My nesting urges are just so strong I'll see something random in the house & be like "well obviously we need to put in a piece of wood there to fill it in" or something! Lol. The other day, I decided that if I have been told to rest & relax before baby, that Finley should too because he'll be just as much of a first time parent as me! He deserves that too.

I was just talking to my pregnant friend about this last night because she just moved houses at like 24 weeks pregnant & she said everything is in shambles & her husband has to pick up all the pieces. It's so tempting to want to do every little house fix ourselves, but since we physically can't we just tell our partners to do it & sure it can be stressful to them, but also in her words "SHIZ NEEDS TO GET DONE!" Hahaha. For us though, everything is feeling so much better now that we're moved into our renovated bedroom. I'm just really trying to tie up loose ends with my online work before maternity leave, trying to get YT used to me posting less which I feel like I've been successful with over the past few months & just tending to house chores when I feel like it.

My mom is coming up a week from today! And will be here until mid-June or however long we need her after baby comes. Baby is due 5/28, but I've been getting a strong feeling that she's going to come late. We'll see! Just wanted to check in & say that I appreciate your input on which video to put up next! I never uploaded last week, but that's not shocking for me & there's always this week! Lol. Thank you for your patience, love & caring comments. Love you lots!



Ahhh! So close!! So excited for you


as a 5/25 birthday that’s obviously what I’m betting on!it’s getting so real!!!! you’ll be so slay don’t even worry (did that work? do you believe me? ik you believe in slaying:p)