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Hello my patreon peeps! WHAT A WEEK! In good news, we are FINALLY in our renovated bedroom & I actually filmed a lil patreon exclusive reveal video for you/clean with me of the space before we moved in. I'm very excited for you to see it before anyone else! I'm still MAYBE 60% done editing the actual renovation footage for YT cuz Finley got like 18+ hours of footage so... I'm happy that y'all will get to bask in the glory of the room with us before that goes up!

In sad news, our pig Peach fell really sick over the course of the past week. For more detail than I put on my IG story, last Tuesday she started acting very slow to feed in the evening. It was kind of like she just wasn't interested which is VERY unlike her as the more dominant pig of the pair. Normally she tries to steal Ducky's food on top of her own! On Wednesday, her reluctance was a bit worse, but that was the last time she actually ate the dry feed with Ducky. On Thursday, she began to throw up in the morning. We immediately called the vet & explained the situation: that Ducky was fine, Peach didn't have a fever, but she was acting almost like a human with food poisoning (coming out both ends).

The vet basically told us he COULD come out that day, but that he really didn't know what was wrong with her & suggested we wait out the weekend to see if things improved. At the time, we felt fine about that answer, but looking back I'm like... Why didn't he suggest literally ANY remedy for her nausea? So I texted our Oregon friend Athena who sold us our pigs & she said "Not to freak you guys out, but it sounds like she may have gotten into something toxic that Ducky did not. I'd follow a poison protocol of giving her a syringe of activated charcoal & electrolytes mixed in water until she improves. If she is dehydrated she will go downhill quick."

So we've been syringe feeding her that mixture since she started throwing up cuz she refused to eat or drink & we couldn't monitor her intake without doing that. Her demeanor has changed each day. Some days she'll get up, walk around & explore. Other days she lays in the woods alone sleeping for hours. Today, the vet finally came out & gave her 3 shots: anti-inflammatory, antibiotic & dewormer. We hope those do something, but they're just kind of protocol since we have no clue what's wrong with her. She clearly doesn't have an intestinal obstruction since she's been puking, peeing & pooping. We started syringe feeding her 2x a day a smoothie of what I have basically everyday just so she can get nutrients & energy: kefir, spinach & kale, berries, almond butter, protein powder & then in her mix I put the charcoal as well. Then we continue the electrolyte water 3x a day. She's just been resting since the vet came & took her stool sample to test at the lab.

This is obviously alarming & concerning for many reasons, but we are going out of town soon for our baby shower in VA & our neighbor normally watches the pigs when we leave. Since Peach is pretty people-picky, we don't feel great about having him syringe feed her, so we're just PRAYING she turns a corner in the next few days. The vet speculated about cancer, but didn't want to freak us out too much since we don't have the stool sample results back yet to see if it's a parasite or toxin in her system. It all just happened so fast that we're just asking for healing thoughts, prayers & good energy sent her way. She is our piggy princess that we love so much! Thanks in advance for the love. It's been a tough week on the farm.


Morgan Johns

I know Hog Heaven greeted you with open arms Peachy Girl 💛🍑 going to buy a peach cobbler today and keep a slice out for you as I know you loved your sweety treaties. Hugs to you Meg and Fin. Love on Ducky extra today.

Siún Mangan

Really sorry to hear about Peach Meg. Anyone with an animal knows how much they touch us, they are family. She is so loved and always will be. So much love from Ireland 💜