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As this place doesn't allow any NSFW in public posts, I uploaded the first part of the doujinshi as a preview for the public. Join us here to see the rest and more, cheers.

I also noticed all these hentai forums absolutely HATE all AI-generated materials. Every time there is big tech advancement some people will inevitably feel offended, threatened and super mad, like how guns are insulting to bowmanship and knighthood... that's just the way it is.

I never consider myself an artist, I just love making and sharing these erotic stuff and I'll keep doing it, and make no mistake, these stuff made in collaboration of AI still take many many many hours of my work and passion to make :)


[D・N・A² Doujinshi] ~ Simgirls Service Service - E-Hentai Galleries

Free Hentai Misc Gallery: [D・N・A² Doujinshi] ~ Simgirls Service Service - Tags: dna2, tomoko saeki, hotpants, ponytail, snuff, full color





It looks fine from here. It is just part 1 you have already seen it here.


The problem with AI-generated materials is that many people simply put out loveless games and charge a lot of money for them. In addition, depending on the AI, many characters simply look the same. Just when the hype was new and many games were released, many games were simply made without love. That's just a little disrespectful to the effort that goes into drawing. That's why AI has gotten a bad reputation and many people are immediately negative as soon as they see AI tag without seeing the content I think AI is okay if you use it as a gap filler like you do with your events. that's completely okay I really like this mix you're doing here and it's a good example of how it can be used well. (related to the game) I also thought your AI Doujinsh was nice