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There is only one ending at the moment and players must get Tomoko gradol rating to 10 or above before Oct 15. Otherwise super bad ending.

That means players must do a few gradol battles to earn fans in order to increase gradol rating to 10. Given 1.5 month it should be a SUPER EASY task. Will definitely increase the challenge in later versions. 

Please leave comments here if you have any feedback on the game. Thanks!


1) Download simgirls.rar (9.72Gb) from the link above

2) Extract it by WinRar

3) Open the game folder and double click game.exe

What's new in beta 1.1.1

Added functionalities

  • Karin shows up in Fukoma and can join Simgirls after Sep 17
  • When sick depressed rage infighting, cannot work and do MANY activities
  • Buy energy drink at vending machine
  • Buy recovery cards at hospital

Fixed bugs

  • When girls want to go karaoke it became a value 0

Fine-tuned game balance

  • More chance to get sick/depressed when EN down to zero
  • Bad events team conflicts & scandals will inflict negative states to entire team

Improved presentations

  • Edited two video scenes and used AI voice-over. 1) Ryuuji and Tomoko walking up the stairs to the roof 2) SeaZone last video
  • Added animations when using cards in contest
  • Added BGM when relationship level up
  • New graphics for Bad events: team conflicts & scandals
  • Changed game icon

Upgrade from old to new version

If you have played beta 1.0.0 there are no major change in the new version. I wouldn't recommend downloading it again (unless you really want to get Karin in the team).

You can also move the save files from old game folder to new, but some new features may not work and there may be some conflicts. For example, Karin join team will be triggered at the event on Sep 17, if your save is before that date, perfect. After that date, no trigger event, Karin still won't be there.




yapasu (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 04:58:29 途中でダウンロードが中止されます。
2023-04-19 13:50:50


From the internet: Quite frequently the Google Drive not downloading can be attributed to your browser's settings, specifically to it saving something incorrectly in its cache files and cookies. So clearing them both could help. Also, simply try to use another browser.








The last file got downloaded 8000 times so maybe the site put a lock on the account. I am trying to figure it out now.

