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You are now the manager of a team of gradols called Simgirls from Fukoma High. You may want them to be successful and at the same time, improve your relationship with them and get the goodies eventually.  

I think some people with explorer spirit may want to figure out everything themshelves and I don't really want to spoil the fun part for them. If you are somewhat on this boat please do give the game a try first before reading this post.




To move around: [ARROWS], or point and click on Mouse

Confirm: [SPACE], or left click on Mouse

Cancel: [ESC], or right click on Mouse

Call game menu: [ESC], or right click on Mouse while your character is on the map

Skip movie: [ESC] 




There is only one true basic resource in this game, TIME.  Each day are divided into three equal sessions MORNING, EVENING, and NIGHT, and they will be indicated by the lighting effects of the map so you don't have to look at a clock to tell the time of the day. 

There are many actvities you can do in the game, for example, studying in the library, swimming in the pool, dining at a restaurant and the likes. In general, one activity will take up one session of TIME. By keep doing things TIME will pass by automatically, and you don't have to click a sleep button in order to proceed to the next day. 

All activities are indicated by light blue arrows on the map. Some are available only at certain time of the day, for example, the Nightclub will NOT open in the morning. In general by spending your TIME you will earn stats for the girls incluidng improving relationships with them. 

Still, if you don't want to do any activity at all, or for whatever reasons you want to skip some time, you can click on the little spying drone hovering around in Fukoma.   




Just find the classroom in Fukoma and your gradols are waiting for you there. The classroom is like the Headquarters of your gradol club.   

The schedule on the white board on upper left corner: show some key info for your gradols, including her basic weekly wage and her patreon income.  

The notice board on the right: find modeling jobs for the girls to make $$$

The girls: click on them will bring up a set of commands. ASSIGN, OBSERVE, CONFESS, CHANGE NAME, TERMINATE, and TALK. 

ASSIGN: you can ask girls to do research on a certain attribute. In return they will gain some attribute tokens. These tokens are VERY USEFUL. You can use tokens to buy Simgirls Cards, which will be explained in another section.  

OBSERVE: Find out where they want to go that day; you will earn doubled Loyalty if you follow their preferences. 

CONFESS: When her Loyalty is hitting a certain amount you can confess to her to improve the relationship from friend, close friend, girlfriend to lover and more. I am still trying to balance the game mechanics so I won't state the numbers here as they are likely to be adjusted in later versions. 

The other three commands are straightforward and are explained in the game. 




The school gate is always closed (like in real life only open two short periods in a day), so you have to know how to get in and out of school like a parkour pro. Just examine the cracks on the ground and wall and you will be fine.

There is also a bus stop that allows you to travel to other parts of the city.




If you do want your gradols to become famous, they will have to participate in beauty contests to earn more new fans sooner or later. 

These beauty contests are more or less like RPG battles. If Simgirls win they will earn new fans, and a bit prize money. In order to explain further we must first understand the gradol stats for the girls. 

To participate in these contests, go to the Arena located near the center of the city map. It opens 24/7.




You can find all their stats in the MENU > STATS. [ESC] or right click to call the menu.

LV - her gradol level depending on # of her fans; her stats increase when level up 

FANS - how many fans she has

SP - her spirit (mental); when SP goes down to zero in beauty contests she quits

EN - her energy (physical); all gradol skills will require EN to perform in beauty contests

DP - her Dance Points; dances are like super moves in beauty contests and they require DP to perform.

HENTAI - how sexy she is

KAWAII - how cute she is

TENREI - how elegant she is

EQ - it works like defense in beauty contests

IQ - it is for trash talk and action priority in beauty contests

LOYALTY - her loyalty to you




These cards are VERY useful in beauty contests and each card has different functions and are stated in their descriptions that can be found in MENU>INVENTORIES>CARDS. 

Each day you will earn a free random card. To get more cards, A) go to 7-11 to draw more cards; B) use attribute tokens to trade for cards.

...to be continued and updated



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Thank you very much for your help. Will look into it.