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I'm sorry for late post. I've been experiencing severe burnout, so the video is delayed. This video is a sequel to the Hilichurls video I made last year.




Burnout can be incredibly soul-destroying. Please take care of yourself and try to pace out work as best you can. Your health and sanity are important!


As a fellow content creator, I 1000% understand burnout. Heck I took nearly an entire year off from making anything back in 2022, and even now it's still difficult to find the same energy and enjoyment I once did because I ignored the warning signs and pushed myself too far. I fell into the trap of making content just because "people like it and offer praise" and didn't even realize that I myself had stopped liking it. I ended up making content for "them" and not for "me", which made it feel like a job I dreaded. Don't let the hobby you enjoy turn into a soul crushing chore. Of course, it's tricky to manage if this is your main income, but please feel free to take all the time you want / need. You do amazing work and every update is a banger! But don't keep pushing yourself to the breaking point. I think a lot of creatives assume their fans are impatient, faceless beings who are starving for content and will become enraged at the slightest hiccup -- but I've found the opposite to be true. The true fans are the ones who care more about you than your work -- so don't let needing to take a break weigh on you. Even if you feel the need to pause your patreon, I can guarantee your audience will rapidly return when you are ready :)