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Vote until Jan 10th, Tue

Merry Christmas everyone! Santa Keqing also welcomes you🙂

Hope you are enjoying the last moments of 2022. 

Sadly, there's no Chirstmas special video. I always forget about special days when I set monthly video plan. Damn, I'm such an amateur. Need to work hard to be a real pro. Oh, and speaking of which, I quit my part time job recently. I can more focus on videos now. No worries, I have some savings so for now money is not a big deal. If Patreon gets bigger, maybe I can stop working and just make videos full time. Huh, sounds nice😌

Apology for December patrons, I didn't make much videos on December and videos were poor quailty. But I got COVID again and also had a critical burnout after finish making 'Inazuma Conquest' video. But no worry. I'm okay now.

btw, you'd be curious about Candace video. Currently I'm working on her story. It's not a boring dancing video with no story. It will be quite long, about 5-6min and there will be some slight NTR. It's a controversial genre and I don't know you guys like NTR or not (EMOTIONAL DAMAGE) but even if you don't like NTR, this video won't be that painful. So I'm sure you can endure it. I ask for your kind understanding. WIP will be posted in couple days.

Besides, there's one more Honkai 3 video for January. She didn't got many votes on poll so far, but nvm, I'll make her video. She deserves it.



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