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Vote until Dec 10th, Sat

It's the end of the year now. Hope you all wrap up things well. 

In the last Inazuma video, I put almost everything I could into it. 💪(Although it took a long time), the results were very satisfying, and ppl also seem to love it.😎

BTW, I like to check the reaction of my videos. When determining whether a video is well-made or not, I see the number of likes.👀 If the video gets more than 1,000 likes in a week, it's a well-made video, and otherwise, it's not. 

This is quite accurate for me now. Cuz I considered the recent Shenhe and Phone number video a failure, and so were the viewers. Those videos didn't get 1,000 likes in a week. Data does not lie.🧐

However, the Inazuma video got 1,000 likes in just two days! What a huge success!🥳

Okay, let's move on to the video plan. In Inazuma video, I tested various new features, and one of them is the 'audio remix' feature in Premiere Pro. (I use Premiere Pro to edit my video) It remixes the audio and can repeat the music very smoothly.

The reason why I didn't make a video with a plot was that it's quite hard to come up with good and long ideas, but another big reason was that I was having a hard time finding suitable length of background music. But thanks to this audio remix feature, this is no longer a problem, so I guess we'll be able to see more videos with a plot in the future.🤤 Yay!

To talk about the December plan, I'm going to test more new features. I recently bought 'Adobe After Effects', and I am planning a video using it. If I get used to it, we can see videos with various special effects in the future!

Other than that, I'm also planning a Honkai 3 video. I'll upload a WIP post after December for more details.

Phew, that was long. Thank you all for your support, and stay safe!



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