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hello dear patrons! ☆ ~('▽^人)

Lately, I've been taking my time to intentionally study the art styles that inspire me. I recently made a trip to the library in hopes of finding a random art book that would pique my curiosity. I found this really cool (I forgot to write down the title OTL) book about art on kimonos and had fun poring over cloth patterns and sketching elements that I felt repeatedly drawn to. I've also, thanks to the library (jsyk I'm a massive library stan), been reading a lot of graphic novels and getting so inspired to make comics as a way to share my stories and anecdotes! You can see some of my elementary ventures into comic-making in the sketchbook scans. And that's another thing! I bought a new scanner that arrived just yesterday and tested it out to scan pages from my sketchbook. I'm thrilled by the quality of the scans and overall it's a major step up from my usual process of taking photos with my phone in unreliably lit corners of my home. xD 

It's been nice switching things up and finding inspiration in new places. I think that art and creativity are ever-evolving forces that change alongside you. I'm constantly finding new things that inspire me and it's been fun figuring out how to incorporate those influences into my art practice and what I'm trying to express. I recently taped up this page from Adam JK's book (Things Are What You Make of Them: Life Advice for Creatives) to remind myself to take my own advice:  

yup. exactly. 

thanks so much for reading and have a good day!

✦ vicki




beloved heather silenthill3.... as an artist who is pretty burnt out nowadays because life is complicated, it's good to have the reminder that there are other things in the world. i gotta do more stuff!!! also vickisigh kimono print clothes when


heather truly is best girl, love that baby angel sm <3 life really can default to burnout so easily, it's good to stay open-minded to the possibilities that are available to us in any given moment. omggg i would go crazy if i could make a custom kimono, i'd love to work with artists in that field to design and create something that'd be sick!!


vicki, do you know about the libby app? 👀 it basically lets you borrow books, audiobooks and magazines from your local library digitally as long as you have a library card! and you can be notified of new releases too. ♥️ my reading game has been leveled up since using it hehe i love that adamjk quote you shared and happy his work has been helping you. 💙 he really says things in such blunt, simplistic ways that make you think. he has a gift for that. you also have a gift for expression! you always share your thoughts so poignantly and succinctly, it’s easy to relate and understand. i think—especially in the last several years—burnout is so prevalent. it’s refreshing to find something that relieves that pressure and feels comforting, like a hug. i admire that you are always looking for novel experiences and your sketchbook reflects that. your comics have been endearing and fun to look at, and i look forward to seeing you explore them more. also adore that page with the fishnet stockings and guns 💪🏼🖤 i started lifting weights last year to strengthen my arms so this encourages me xD


and the way you notice shapes in nature reminds me of myself. repeating patterns (fibonacci spirals), how natural elements frequently mimic each other, and how those elements often draw the eye. it’s so interesting! i’m glad these types of things bring you joy and reflection moments. 💙