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Hello! (●o’∪`o)ノ―♪`*.+

I can't be stopped apparently. 🤷‍♀️ Consistently use one or a handful of the same brushes challenge: impossible. Something overcomes me when I open up CSP, I'm like a raccoon getting my grubby lil paws on everything it can. I recently bought a new brush pack and have been going buckwild testing everything out. There are so many to play around with and it's so interesting trying out brushes I wouldn't usually gravitate toward. I like to surprise myself with new options, because truly I never know if I'm about to find my next fav brush, something that can only happen through the process of experimentation. 

I'm a strong creature of habit (for better or worse) and if I don't mix things up I'll literally keep doing the same thing forever. xD Using new brushes is my small way of keeping that open-minded flame alive. I also like how it teaches me to expect awkward learning curves and hiccups. The more I can do away with the pressure to be 'good' at something, the better. I'm a proponent of not projecting expectations onto the creating process. Things always change as we work on them and a plan is just that, a suggestion. Flexibility and adaptation are much better suited to the regularly changing path of making something (...of life, really now that I think about it. oh here I go again __φ(..;) ). 

☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you have a lovely day! ♫ヽ(゜∇゜ヽ)♪

🕯️ Vicki




the first one reminds me of mina of twice because she’s wearing the same schoolgirl uniform she wore in cheer up. xD

Valerie Brown

Okay but the girlie with the black/white hair braid orb things??? BIG JOJO VIBESSSS


true, i didn't notice that but it is pretty much the exact outfit she wears! xD