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Hello! ᕙ(  •̀ ᗜ •́  )ᕗ

One of my favorite things to do when I open up a painting program is to play around with colors and brushes. It goes like this, I'll choose a random color on the wheel, scroll to a brush I never use, and use that as a jumping off point to 'break the seal' of the empty page and get over my fear of drawing. The point is to draw something, anything, and not overthink the process. Using tools and color palettes that are unfamiliar help me avoid the pressure of making something that looks 'good', a mindset that tends to take over when I'm using tools within my comfort zone. I like digital painting because it's quick and everything's at your fingertips, but I apply the same approach with traditional mediums like color pencils and markers. One of my favorite artists Sandi Hester uses a similar approach with traditional tools. It's all about experimenting, play, and getting your hands dirty, finding direction in the process. Watching her videos always makes me feel more open-minded about trying random things and just seeing what sticks. 

I think this type of play is crucial for creatives no matter your field. It's good to feel like you can create with abandon without focusing on the finished product and just give into the joy of mark-making, color mixing, or any other part of the process that feeds the senses. The much celebrated flow state if you will.

Ever since turning my art into a career, it's been especially important to keep things interesting and fun for myself so I can create sustainably without burning out. Regularly changing up my routine is something I consciously interject and prioritize so art can continue being a form of expression that gives me joy. ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰ If you're feeling stuck, I suggest trying a new medium or method and opening yourself to whatever feelings or ideas may arise from the unexpected. ฅ/ᐠ˶> ﻌ<˶ᐟ\ฅ

Hope you have a good day,




Jessica DiPaola

Your art always makes me smile but!!!! This batch made me smile even more!! Image 5/10 and 10/10 remind me so much of my OC I almost got jump scared by some of the similarities LOL. thanks for always blessing our eyes with your art 🥹🫶🏻💫 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


ahh thank you so much jessica! ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ omg ahaha yeah that must've been spooky! xD what's your oc/their story like? 👁👁

Jessica DiPaola

bekdnfekfnr ok so I’ve had this OC/story for like 15+ years so she started a bit cringe but we’ve slowly reworked her over time LOL she’s just your average college student who suddenly becomes the host body of a star goddess, chaos ensues. lots of magical girl elements so the 5th sketch with the star mark on her forehead was the one that made me go !!!! cause my OC has a similar mark, it’s just black and glows white hehe …… and that’s me gushing over my OCs thank you for listening 🫣💖


15+ years!! that's a longtime OC!! lol at starting out cringy, tbh i love that and how OCs grow with us/reflect our interests and values over time. also i'm always about embracing the cringe, love is stored in the cringe. aa your story sounds so fun! i love the glowing forehead star, such a visual chef's kiss