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Hello everyone!

Hope your week has gotten off to a good start! You may or may not know, but I'm putting together a calendar of my art for 2018 and this is the piece I've done for March. ^^ I wanted to encapsulate feelings of repose and quiet because we often move quickly through life forgetting to make time for ourselves. I know that personally I moved full speed ahead during January and February and have since experienced burnout. In March it became clear to me that  I'd have to reevaluate my habits if I wanted to regain balance in my life. Sometimes that means stepping away from the computer for a bit, journaling, taking a relaxing bath, or just breathing deeply for a few minutes. However you choose to recuperate and reflect, I hope this piece can provide you some calm during this month. You are not weak for taking a break. In fact, it shows that you value yourself enough to care and nurture your physical and mental health. You are wonderful, full of love, and open. <3

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Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day! 




Seal Pup
