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Hello everybody!

Good morning and welcome back to another sneak peek at new artwork! Can you guess what it is??? 

It's Overwatch. I'm still obsessed. Oh boy....

I've started a new artwork series that features the ladies of Overwatch in dramatic digital painting style! The above piece features Pharah. I went to the Museum of Art in San Diego a couple months of ago and seeing all those Renaissance paintings really stirred something within me. I've taken a couple art history courses in the past and have always been a fan of the dramatic lighting and volume that Renaissance painters instilled in their subjects. So, I decided to take a crack at it myself and see how I fared! 

My main inspiration for this series is Rembrandt since the majority of his work focuses on portraiture and lighting. 

Rembrandt heavily relies on a single bright light source against a dark background to add drama to his pieces. Using this technique, he creates figures that are incredibly mysterious, almost ghostly. Take note how most of the figure is in shadow. He really focuses the light on a chosen area and puts the rest of the figure in darkness. I used this style to make portraits that heavily focus on the face and convey power and confidence. I feel like this style appropriately conveys their heroism and strength without being overbearing or explosive. 

I'll be streaming myself working on Symmetra's portrait today @ 2:30 P PST on Twitch  if you're interested in checking it out! If you can't make it, no worries. Twitch always saves my past streams for a couple weeks so you can check it out in your own time as well. :)

I'll see you soon with more art. Thank you so much for your support and I hope you have a great day! <3





Owen Kuropatkin

My wife my beautiful wife Can't wait to see more baroque heroes!

Mikala Carr

These are so gorgeous with that high contrast 👌, I cant wait to see more!


your wife is quite the beauty. thank you so much Owen, I'm excited to work on the rest of them! :D


aaa thank you so much BB! ;u;<33 I'm excited to work on the others!