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Hello everyone!

Hope you all have been doing alright. <3 

I wanted to share with you the postcard art for this month's $10 patrons! As previously mentioned, the theme I'm following for this year's postcard rewards is headphones. Since this is for the month of February, I wanted to draw something overly sweet and sugary to celebrate Valentine's/Galentine's /Single Awareness/however you choose to celebrate it Day! I decided to go all out on the effects and just really have fun with this piece and I'm happy with how it turned out. I think it looks fun and energetic! :D

The character design is heavily based off of fairy-kei, which is a subculture of Japanese fashion. The headphones are modeled off of Audio Technicas, with an inverted color palette. 

I've also learned that I very much have an affinity for drawing anime-style eyes. You can fit SO MUCH in those big eyes, it's fun going over the top with the design haha. 

$10 patrons I hope you look forward to this postcard in the mail later this month! ^^<3 Thank you everyone for your support, I have so many cool projects to share with you during this month, I can't wait to post them on Patreon! 

Until the next post much love, stay safe, and be kind to one another. <3





Kelly Santillana

Omg i love this! If i become $10 backer rn can i still get the postcard?


Kelly thank you so much! Yes, I'll be ordering postcards in 2 weeks so you have until then! :D

Kelly Santillana

Thank you!!! I'll change my backing now!