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Hello everyone! 

2 posts in one day, what is this nonsense? This trickery? This foolishness!

Nothing of the sort, but I did promise more art and it's comin' down the pipes for ya. ;D I'm guessing most of you have seen the Overwatch ladies I did and finished recently. I had a lot of fun drawing them and I was gonna stop there, but a part of me was itchin' to draw the guys as well. And, well, that's what I'm doing now. (Caveat: I'm sure most robots are genderless and Bastion's gender hasn't been specified nor does it particularly matter, but for the sake of organization I'll put him in the non-gender category for the time being!)

^These are the thumbs I did for all the guys! THERE'S SO MANY OF THEM, but I'm really excited to draw them! >:D

I'm moving in a different direction style-wise for the dudes and I think it's working out nicely so far! :D I find that the dudes blend nicely with a more geometric and textured style as opposed to the clean and graphic styles I used with the ladies. I also plan to make the dudes into stickers and I'm REAL EGGSITED to see how they turn out. 

The Bastion I drew above is the one featured in the official short from Blizzard. It made me really emotional and I definitely suggest you give it a watch even if you're not a fan of Overwatch. It's good storytelling paired with beautiful animation and it's just nice to watch regardless of fandom. 

Thank you as always for your support, I'll see you soon with more art! ;DDD





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