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Hello everyone! 

I've got some very exciting work to share with you all. I'm not posting any of these to social media until all of them have been completed so y'all are gettin' in on the scoop real early! Little has changed since my last post in the sense that I am still obsessed with Overwatch and have been playing it fiendishly almost every night. I like to think of it as a nice wind-down before bed (although truthfully I usually end up getting hyped and energized). I've been working on the the stickers that I also plan to make into prints and maybe other things? Hohoho. So far I've completed 5 characters (I may only end up drawing the ladies because they make me the happiest).  Pictured above is the cute and kickass D. VA!

The stalwart Zarya!

The vigorous Tracer!

The powerful Pharah!

and the last (but not least) hero I've completed thus far:

Mei. She doesn't need an attached adjective like the others. She's just....she's Mei. 

I've been having so much fun drawing these characters. It's been a new challenge for me since I rarely draw outfits/designs with such a heavy amount of detail and intricacy (Pharah's armor was a NIGHTMARE to deconstruct). But I've thoroughly enjoyed the process for each of them since their costumes correspond so well with their personalities and characters! I'm currently working on Widowmaker, who is still in the sketch stage, and I look forward to showing you when I'm done. 

Much love, happy early Thanksgiving to my American friends, and lots of love for you all as always!




Tim McGreger

I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing Overwatch; nonetheless, these are really well done! I look forward to seeing the rest...


definitely try it out if you get the chance! it's ridiculously fun :D


may i ask where you get your stickers made? the quality is amazing ;-;