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Hi everyone!

Happy Halloween (aka the entire month of October hehe~)! How are y'all doing on this fine day? I'm happy to share that I'll be doing Inktober this month! If you don't know what Inktober is, it's basically a 31-day challenge where you do one ink (pen, marker, etc.) drawing a day. There are plenty of themes online to choose from if you're feeling stuck creatively, but I chose to go with my own theme of dessert girls. I was apprehensive at first since traditional art isn't my forte and I've had trouble keeping up with challenges in the past, but I decided to push all of that ~feeling~ aside and just sit down to do it! I've got a spotless record so far and am ready to dive into day 3. Fingers crossed I can keep it up! 

(Btw, if you want to follow my Inktober escapades I'll be posting all of my drawings on Instagram and Twitter @ vickisigh throughout the month~) 

Now to explain my process! 

To keep things fresh I've taken things a day at a time rather than planning out my entire month. Each morning I look through the Wikipedia list of desserts and pick something that makes me feel inspired. For Day 1 I chose Devil's Food Cake to get right into the spooky spirit~ 

1. Since these drawings have been the first things I've drawn all day I always do quick warm-up scribbles to loosen up my fingers and lines, as shown above. A few circles and lines will do! I've learned it's very helpful to warm up before drawing. The amount of times I've jumped into a drawing without warming up are countless and have always ended in frustration. Remember, warm up even if it's just for 5 minutes! <3

2. After that, I lay out as many drafts as I need to determine the pose and composition of the piece. I came up with a lot of drafts for day 1 haha. I felt nervous about settling on any one draft because traditional art is so much more permanent than digital art. I was afraid of messing up something and having to do things all over @_@ 

I ended up choosing the draft with the big red heart, drew up a pencil sketch, inked it, and added details with copic markers and white gel pen. 

Are you doing the Inktober challenge this month? If so, what theme are you following? Let me know down below! 

Have fun with art-making this month and allow yourself to get creative when you can! Let's all work hard and create some cool things this October! 

<3 Vicki



Karin Hammarsten

That looks so good!! I'm doing Ochibrochi's 31 Witches prompt list. I get nervous about traditional art too, especially since I have annoyingly shaky hands, but it's still fun to mix things up a bit and step out of my comfort zone. I look forward to seeing what you draw for the rest of the month!


Thank you so much Karin! <3 Ooh, I've seen people drawing from that list as well. I love those witchy prompts they're so cute! Glad you're having fun with traditional art despite its challenges~ The shakiness is real, I covered up so many mistakes on day 1's drawing lolll. Good luck with inktober!