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Hi everyone!

First of all, I want to say thank you so much for supporting me through Patreon! I'm humbled and happy to know that such kind and uplifting people enjoy my art. You inspire me to work harder and to persist with art even when I'm feeling like the biggest art block is standing in my way. 

As for May rewards, postcards and process videos will be completed and sent out by the end of this week! Thank you so much for your patience!

Now that my page has been live for a few months, I've had some time to think about what I like and what I don't like as much about my rewards. Following are changes I'm implementing because I think they'll make both my and your experience with rewards infinitely better.

First off, I'm changing weekly sketchbook updates to monthly ones. The reason is so I can create compilations of higher quality since I'll have more time to draw and curate a sketchbook. I've found that weekly updates have worn me thin and I find myself rushing to just fill pages to meet deadlines rather than taking the time to enjoy and make drawings I'm proud of. By changing this schedule, I'll create drawings of better quality and put out work that I am proud to show you!

Secondly, I'll likely be getting rid of a couple tiers (most likely the higher end) and just having $1, $5, and $10 tiers in the future. 

As always, thank you for your kindness and here's to drawing and enjoying more art! Woohoo!!!





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