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Hello loves! °˖ ✧◝(○ ヮ ○)◜✧˖ °

Welcome back to another sketchdump, I hope you've been well! ^-^  I stuck to my goal and managed to draw every day of January! I want to keep the momentum going and continue this practice throughout 2019. I really think it’s helped me break past the usual barrier of resistance I have when it comes to drawing and has enabled me to draw more of what I enjoy. It’s been incredibly fulfilling and I know I can keep it up so I’m going to do just that. >:3 

Last week I had set the goal of drawing more backgrounds and environments and really pushing myself to draw things that normally make me cower in fear. I wouldn’t say I’m comfortable with them now by any means, I acknowledge that’ll likely take much more practice, but it doesn’t feel impossible anymore. And how can you do something if you don’t think it’s possible? Baby steps everyone, baby steps. uvu Also an unexpected effect is I kinda want to draw them more now? Couldn’t have foreseen that one that’s for sure. 

Above: Practicing facial expressions! I know I tend to default to the same expression so I thought this was a great suggestion. >:3

Thank you for the request Alyx! (∩´ ∀` )∩

I imagine D.Va spends a lot of time gaming at PC cafes and arcades. Even pros need to practice!

A witch at home during a lazy afternoon~

Photo study! I actually find these are the least interesting to do. It's more fun when you get to personalize a space to your liking. 

A lil Moon on her way to school!

Thank you for the request Courtney! o(`・∀・´)○

A Tomoyo sketch from awhile ago that I cleaned up and plan on making into a sticker! *u* I love how enthusiastic she is when filming Sakura, she's so cute! ToT 

Pearl in her newest outfit change! The high-waisted jeans are an absolute look on her. 

Thank you for the request Anastasia! (*゚∀゚*)

 ❤ ❤ ❤

I hope you enjoyed this sketchdump! ^_^ Thank you so much for your support! >w< If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it ago during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 





Sarai Garcia

Do a Carmen Santiago ~


Hey!!! Can I use yours sketchs like a reference for me and for study????