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Hello friends! (°∀°)b

and ok, well not really. I'd go by Vicki the Builder. Anyway, I haven't taken on a brand-new skillset and changed professions. BUT! I have been drawing a lot of houses recently to practice for a super fun project that will be revealed next month! *u* And I've learned something wonderful so far: I actually love drawing buildings! They really feel like characters as well! 

Really enjoying this lighter,sketchier style. 

My linework got a bit too heavy on these for my liking. It's all about experimenting to see what you enjoy! 

There's something about drawing buildings that has a different approach in comparison to drawing human figures. It feels much more like putting a puzzle together and figuring out which pieces and shapes fit with one another. If you're more visual, drawing buildings feels like this +-|/\|-+ whereas drawing humans feels more like ~~*&???*@~~~ haha does that even make sense. 

Above: More K/DA! :D Thanks to those who requested more of these girls, I really look forward to drawing even more of them. So many different backgrounds and environments in the music video that I'd like to explore better! *u*

Been wanting to brush up on drawing objects and diversify my skillset ever since those building sketches. I love the look of vintage cars, I think they're so charming! 

Never a bad time to practice drawing hands! I feel like I'm starting to understand the basic structure of hands better, drawing them doesn't feel like an impossible onerous undertaking anymore! :O

Ohhh I also learned I love drawing trees. Again, picking apart and finding the different shapes in the form has proved rather fun. 

Photo study! A lone Widowmaker ringing in the new year~

A couple of characters from Cuphead! It's so fun drawing in an extra cartoon-y style, learned some new techniques! 

Mother Nature~ 

❤    ❤    ❤

I've started a new AMA series on Patreon! Have questions about art? How to choose colors? How to stop procrastinating? How to draw thumbnails? Ask away here!  

I hope you enjoyed this sketchdump! ^_^ Thank you so much for your support! >w< If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 







Please draw jennie's solo mv! The whole music video is just filled with aesthetic stills ♡


PLZ DRAW SHERA. thank u if u do 😭