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Hello loves! o(´ ∀`*)

Hope you're having a good day! >u< <33 If you've been having a rough time lately that really sucks and it's okay to not be okay all the time. u_u<3 I hope this batch of rewards can help bring a little bit of lightness to your day~ 

As always the rewards are attached as a zip file at the bottom of this post. :3 Just download the file, unzip it, and voila you're good to go! ^^ 

September was interesting because I purposely invested more time in engrossing myself in new media. I watched new movies that I've been meaning to watch, started reading fiction again (thank you public library!), and got into new series. I think as creatives it's necessary to take in new and different sources of inspiration. We don't create in a vacuum and opening ourselves to the work of others can help us find our own place in this world. Besides, learning new things is a lot of fun being receptive to new ideas and subjects can bring us out of whatever funk we may be going through. <3

Thank you so much for your support, I'm deeply humbled to be a part of your lives if even in a small way. Thank you for the opportunity. u.u<33





Howell Taylor

Yes for some reason when I click the link it never loads


it should download automatically! maybe try checking your downloads? I've also emailed you the rewards this time if it still doesn't work. :)