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Hello loves! ^-^/

How are you today? I hope you had an enjoyable weekend! I'm back from my trip to Austin and I had such a fun time. It's such a lovely and fun city to explore (although incredibly hot mid-August LOL) and it was wonderful getting to take a break and just enjoy trying new things. ^-^ I feel renewed to make art again, I really think that trip was the perfect reset on my life! <3 Now that we're caught up, let's jump into the sketchdump for this week~ :'D

Above: y'all mind if I....post more 2B? I just love her so much okay? T_T

A tiny Chihiro! Spirited Away is one of my favorite films...there's so much wonder and magic found in every single second of that movie. It's like watching a dream. I had to look up how to do one-point perspective again just to draw the floor lol OTL but no shame! Everyone learns at some point! :D

Was in the mood to draw teru teru bozu and saw this really cool picture of them attached to an umbrella. Thought I'd put my own spin on the idea~ 

Weiss and Ruby from RWBY! I have no idea what this series is but the chara designs are sooo cute I really wanted to draw them. ;A;<3

(I forgot to write down the name of who requested this, but you know who you are! this one's for you! ^^) 

Hay Lin and Taranee from w.i.t.c.h.! omg yo, I loved this series as a wee youngin, I couldn't pass this up. It's been so long since I've reread it, I wonder if I'd still like it now...

Thank you Jessie for the request! ^u^/

I hope you enjoyed this sketchdump! ^_^ Thank you so much for your support, I'm seriously beyond grateful and so so incredibly humbled...If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 







i love these!! are you more comfortable drawing feminine features as apposed to masculine?


aa thank you katie! >w< oh at this point in time definitely haha. it wasn't always like this though, in college i mainly drew guys instead. ^^

Lorna Burch

Such beautiful sketches this week, fully in love with the W.I.T.C.H girls, brings back good memories of Saturday afternoons! After your suggestion of looking up Loona I am officially obsessed!! I love all the wonderful girls and their final debut was so perfect. I have a huge soft spot for the the Odd Eye Circle girls. I think it would be cool to draw them with their animals incorporated someway!