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Hello loves! *(*´∀`*)☆

And a happy fourth to my fellow U.S. patrons! ^^ I hope you've all been well~ 

Today, I want to be open about my current relationship with art and that requires talking about perfectionism. Basically, I'd reached a point with art where everything I made had to be perfect, at least in my eyes. It kept me well in my comfort zone and fearful to approach anything outside of it. It felt like no matter what I ended up drawing the same thing, which grew frustrating and proved to be kinda...boring. 

But. Growth requires change and change only ever happens outside of our comfort zones. I knew I wanted to change and something that's really helped me is to not see my work as precious anymore. My work is never too good for change. And admitting that requires creating room for mistakes, failure, and ultimately growth. It means drawing things that I'm not used to, opening myself to inspiration from all facets of life, and understanding that I'll always be a student in some way. It's really helped me let go of the tight grasp I held on my art and other areas of my life. I want to keep making mistakes because I know that's the only way I will grow. 

I don't know if you've been able to tell or will see the difference, but just know that I'm approaching creativity in new ways. And that. I'm so excited and so so grateful to continue sharing art with you. There are a lot of ideas I have that I'm more courageous to bring to life now and I want you to experience them too. <3

Okay! That was a lot and thank you if you read it! Let's get on into the sketchdump! :D

Above: I've had this idea for awhile now of Widowmaker lounging about in various locations of Paris. Having a lot of fun playing around with colors, environment, composition, and style to inject a vintage feel to these postcards!

More postcards! Don't you wish you were there~? ;)

Finally stepping into practicing environments! I'm trying to start small this time around and gain an understanding of a basic bedroom. No need to bite off more than I can chew. Besides, I think approaching it this way will make more sense and help some of the practice actually stick. xD Also playing around with unfamiliar color palettes is fun! 

Thumbnails I did for the cover of the Mermay zine I'm working on. I ended up liking those top two the best. :3

A secret kiss and a fresh package of strawberries~ 

It's true, no matter how many life changes I go through I'll always come back to my girl D.Va.

Really want to explore more cyberpunk gear for D.Va??? Her mech already has a bit of that feel, but I think it'd be dope if she had some intricate headgear. *-* Like if she popped out of the mech and this is what you saw??! I'd be terrified. It'd be awesome. 

I hope you enjoyed this sketchdump! ^_^ Thank you so much for your support, I'm seriously beyond grateful and so so incredibly humbled...If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 






Tim McGreger

Oh, and yay for a new Mermayzine...cannot wait!!!

Stash (-3-)

oops deleted long long comment instead of editing T.T anyway im soooo glad to see more widows!! i love the style for these pieces and love how happy she loosk! it makes me think of her recovering! like her chateau is the darker confrontation aspect but paris is more rejuvenating! it also gives me a breakfast at Tiffanys vibe!! i was editing the comment originally bcs i found the artist who did a crossover for that and thought you'd might like it! <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/vashperado/art/Breakfast-at-Amelie-s-711150252" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/vashperado/art/Breakfast-at-Amelie-s-711150252</a> shes got a twitter too but it was easier to find the piece here! and i loveee the bedrooms so cozy!! and the d.va ahh sometimes the line art sketches make me think of her as evil especially with the red tint eyes and the cyberpunk looks just furthers that feeling! and you did a fantastic job on the mask!! i think i know the mask used for reff and it was intricate as hell so i'm just amazed at how well you made yours!! also i think it'd be cool to see a purposely drawn evil d.va, or like a blackwatch d.va!! while shes so sweet and good i think it's sometime interesting to see how those characters would act if they were "evil"