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Hello loves! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

How are you? Hope your week is going well so far~ ^^ As you may have gathered from the title, this week's sketchdump is longer than usual. Also, to answer the question, no, I don't think quantity is better than quality. However, I do acknowledge the benefit of quantity because it can help you get out a lot of ideas in a shorter amount of time. 

I've also found that it can override my need for perfectionism, which in turn encourages me to draw because I don't feel beholden to any particular idea I put down on paper. It doesn't turn out the way I wanted? That's fine, I'll just move on to the next sketch then. I regularly come up against perfectionism, which can be harmful since it keeps me from taking any action out of fear of failure. Drawing just to draw rather than drawing with the intention of creating my next finished masterpiece has been such a helpful practice. Doing so has allowed me to cultivate an appreciation of the process rather than always focusing on the outcome. If any of you struggle with perfectionism or fear of failure I suggest trying out this exercise! (⌒▽⌒)☆

Above: The older I get the more nostalgia I feel toward the technology I grew up with. I know VHS tapes were annoying (remember havng to put them in the rewinding machine every time you wanted to watch it??), but I can't help feeling bittersweet when I think about them. So here's a lil' homage to those tapes. Thinking of exploring more 90s/early 2000s memorabilia through art...

Kpop girl group Black Pink recently came back from a year long hiatus and debuted their new EP! I'm so happy with their new songs, they're perfect for summer! Oh, and of course I had to draw some of my favorite looks from their new MV~ (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

All of these looks? Absolutely iconic. 

Thank you Sophia and Ariel for the requests! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

A knight and her lover~ I've recently developed an interest in historical fashion and am rather taken by clothing from the French aristocracy. The details and the shapes of the garments are so dramatic and eye-catching. 

Thank you Remi for the request! (≧∇≦)/

Did some more acrylic painting! I still have so much to learn and it's incredibly exciting! I love the texture of acrylic paints. This may sound weird, but they just look so yummy??? 

So....I drew a lot of shoes last week. And it was really enjoyable! O_O I've really wanted to improve my shoe game for awhile now and drawing so many different styles really helped better of my understanding of how shoes are constructed. It was also strangely calming. 

Thank you Ellista for the request! ~ヾ(^∇^)

Drawing people from behind is still very challenging for me. I shall keep practicing! 

Started playing Horizon Zero Dawn and felt an incredible need to draw Aloy. She's such a charming protagonist, not to mention her hair is BEAUTIFUL!!! 

Practicing hair! Still have a lot to learn~

Trying out different styles! Plus a couple D.Vas, I still love my baby!

I had forgotten to share these with the Mermay post, but here are the drawings that didn't make the final cut! Three of these are actually from the same day (I thought I was never going to finish a Mermay that day it was a bit nightmarish for a moment). I want to show that we don't have to get things right on the first attempt and that sometimes it takes several tries before you get to where you want to be. And that's totally okay! ^^ Thinking about it, if I hadn't made these drawings that I wasn't satisfied with, I may never have drawn the ones that I love. ❤

 ✰ ✰ ✰

Aaaaand that's a wrap for this week! Hope you enjoyed the sketches and thanks for your support! If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 


Hope you have a wonderful week, sending you all my love! (* >ω<)





HZD is such a good game. I’m excited to see what inspiration you get from it. Maybe try drawing some of the machines for how intricate they are? The Watcher is a good one to start with and I think it could look great in your style. I’ve seen so many illustrations of it drawn cute like a pet, I’ve grown to not hate it.

Stash (-3-)

larger sketch dump is never a bad thing -3- the vhs piece is sooo cute i love the kinda modern/oldie style combo too it's so fun!! and yessss kpop pieces always mean jaw dropping looks i love it!! ohhh i love the oldie french piece especially the knights dress!! she's stunning but has a badass fighting vibe still too i'm not sure what it is maybe the gloves but i love her to death now -3- <3 yesssss your acrylics are so nice and they do look yummy!! like exquisite top tier chocolates or macaroons (i had a galaxy macaroon once an that night sky got me super remembering the yummy choco ganache!!) oh man your shoes are always eye catchers in your pieces it's so nice to see so many styles together at once!! and the hair too!! you make me miss ombres so much they look so darn fashionable on all your gals! and always happy to see d.va!! souncdloud suggested me cute d.va songs one that had her voicelines in it and there was a "nom nom nom nom" voiceline which is so cute but fits so perfectly with the lil burger piece! and ahhhh yes more mermaids!! god i loveeee the eyes one it makes me think shes like the local mermaid for the eyes lake in kubo! and the second to last wowza she gives me a bit of spooky vibe (like the harry potter ones but nicer) and the coloring on her hair is absolutely amazing the movement is just so stunning and it has almost a sharp vibe to it which just adds to the spooky/dangerous feeling <3