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Hello loves! ^o^/

I hope your day is going well so far! I've got a smaller sketchdump to share with you today (Mermay has kept me very busy @_@) but I hope you enjoy it! ^-^ 

Above: The met-sona tag was going around a couple weeks ago and I was itching to make a design of my own! I couldn't settle on one so decided to make two haha. After drawing them out I think the one on the left is more fitting simply because...I never wear white LOL.

Ann Takamaki from P5! Oh my gosh okay so I started playing Persona 5 last week and wowwww oh wowwww I love it so muchhhh!!! It's my first Persona game, but I didn't feel lost at all. It's such a fun game with so much style and energy and you really get attached to the characters. Plus the designs of the world and the personas are so neat and the concept of one's true self vs. the different masks we wear around others is intriguing. 

A sleepy bookworm reading in her favorite space, between the bookshelf and her plant friend... (I may have been incredibly sleepy myself when I drew this...)

Thank you Atikah for the request! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

iPad doodle time! 

Some recent OOTDs I wore. Clothing and accessories that are a lil funky are my favorite~ 

Yeah I'm still not over Zendaya's Met Gala outfit. Will I ever be? Who knows. (This looked a lot darker on the ipad....lol)

Playing around with different brushes! :D I believe I used the Niko Rull brush on this piece to get that lovely rough texture. There's something quite relaxing about doing simple pieces like these~ =u=

That's a wrap for this week! Hope you enjoyed the sketches! If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 


Thank you so much for your support! As we're closing in on the second half of Mermay I'm excited to finish strong but also to get back to doing digital work again. >u>;; Have a wonderful week, sending you lots of love! <3




Stash (-3-)

ahhhhh i love your metsonas!!! and that chain is badassss but your counter piece veil is so delicate and lovely it's a gorgeous contrast! ann is soo cute i love how cozy she looks in her school outfit!! and anytime she snuggle sup with morgana it's just max adorableness! your ootd are soooo well designed i love that coat!!! and that last gal oh my gosh she's stunning you've got such a magical way with drawing eyes that just absolutely consume the viewer i love it!