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Hello loves! (♡ ὅ ◡ ὅ )ʃ♡

Happy Sunday, hope you're finding time to rest and relax today~ We've started a new month which means I got a roundup of last month's rewards ready for you! <3 The zip file attached at the bottom of this post includes April's wallpaper, process photos, and sketchbook compilation. Just download, unzip the file, and enjoy! ^^

A quick overview of April...I didn't finish I lot of artwork, but to balance that out I ended up doing a lot more sketching instead. I try and like to stay consistent with the amount of work I complete each month, but realistically I think that will naturally fluctuate from month to month and over time. I had the opportunity to go on vacation toward the end of the month, which I felt was greatly needed for my personal and mental health. I came back from that break feeling refreshed and eager, brimming with ideas and a new drive to simply create and not obsess over perfecting my work. I can palpably feel the change toward my approach and I really think it's for the better. When you push past fear and doubt, magic starts to happen. ;)☆

Thank you so much for your support, I truly look forward to creating more and sharing more ideas, musings, artwork, and milestones with you! I continue to feel immensely proud of everything we've achieved together and I'm confident that we'll continue on to the even more, to do even better. ❤

Wishing you a wonderful day and lotsa love! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡




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