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Hello loves! ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Hope you had a relaxing weekend! It was storming in Santa Barbara last week, but it finally cleared up over the weekend and the weather was gorgeous. I got to spend some time in nature and just enjoy the silence and beauty that the outdoors has to offer. ^^ I also got to hang out with a few cats who live in my neighborhood aka best experience ever. Needless to say, I feel incredibly blessed that cats would deem to spend time with me and feel all the more prepared to give my future cat all the love. 

Above: Drawn on one of the aforementioned rainy days! My OC couple who still don't have names oh god please help me name them (see more of them here) enjoying a cozy day in with their kitties and coffee. uvu

Calming bathtime with D.Va and her bunny friend! ^^ 

This might be a deep pull, but does anyone remember the Cheetah Girls? I suddenly thought of them one day and immediately went on YouTube and listened to the entire soundtrack haha. I loved the movie and had the soundtrack on repeat when I was kid lol. 

A couple figure studies. I haven't done these in awhile and I want to get back into doing them regularly. I always feel like I learn a lot when I spend time exploring different poses and shapes. 

I had this sudden urge to draw a bunch of chibi witch Mercys. @_@ It's still my favorite skin that she has, she just looks so cute I CAN'T. TToTT<3  I plan on cleaning these up and making them into stickers. owo

Now onto the requests! :D

Mipha from Breath of the Wild! I love Mipha so much, she's so sweet and cute. ;-;<3

Thank you Sarah for the request! ^^

Chinchillas! Oh my gosh, these...are literally the cutest animal I've ever seen. Did you know that they take dust baths? Look it up on Youtube, it's amazing. 

Thank you sewer squid for the request! d=(´▽`)=b

A collection of requests! :D Lotor from Voltron (I've never watched this show) and some cute creatures. I learned that I really like drawing frogs, they're some funny lookin' boys. :'D Drew (attempted is more appropriate) a griffin for the first time! xD I'll definitely try again so I can come up with something that actually resembles the mythical creature. 

Thank you Gigi, Alyson, and Carly for the requests! <3

Ladies in Victorian dresses~ I'm surprised I've never drawn this style of dress before considering the amount of period films I've watched... >>;; but it was fun! I want to come back to this subject in the future and dive into the exquisite detail that adorn these types of dresses. 

Thank you Julianna for the request! o(〃^▽^〃)o

A couple people requested I draw wrinkles and old people! I thought it was a great idea since I rarely (if ever) draw old characters. It was cool learning where wrinkles tend to form (around the mouth, eyes, neck) and studying how our faces change with time. I definitely want to practice this more! :3

Hope you enjoyed these sketches! If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! ^^<3    

Have a wonderful day and thank you for your support! I love you lots and I know you can tackle whatever the week has in store for you! o(≧∇≦o)




Salem Morningstar

for name ideas, how about Siobhan for the lavender-haired OC? theyre both so cute ;-;

Stash (-3-)

ohhhhh i love how comfy your ocs look and the cats ahhh so fluffy so cute!! and bathtime dva is sososos darn cute what a cutie with those bows!!! your color pallet for studies and sketches is one of my favorites i love the blues and pinks they've got such a nice feeling to them! and chibis mercys aweeee gosh precious angels!!! og gosh i love your botw art i cant wait to eventuallyyyyy get it one day T.T and the chinchilla and frogs are toooo cute i love your lil animal drawings, and the griffiths real cute too he's a trusting good boy!! awe i love these gals the fluffy skirts seem so fun to wear honestly~ i love the variety of the elders faces and they're so sweet and loving!